Because staring at a book every day of the year can often lead to a lack of student interest in a subject, many teachers organize field trips so that learning can be taken out of a classroom in a fun and exciting way. However, taking field trips require meticulous and careful planning, and a field trip template is a great way of making sure all of the important points of the trip are mapped out. This can be done for either personal benefit or for the approval of a higher authority such as a principal or school board. The key to a field trip template is properly using it.
How to Use the Field Trip Template: Location, Location, Location
Always make sure that the loaction of the trip and the class(es) taking the trip are clearly stated on the template. The location or destination can be as simple as “The City of Atlanta” or detailed as “The old post office, fire station, and Court House of the city of Atlanta.” Make sure that each and every class who will be on the trip is named. Write out the name of each class as well as the school period of each in the blank asking for the class name so there is no confusion on who will be attending the trip.
Be Specific
One of the most important parts of the field trip template is the lesson objectives or lesson description area. This area will clearly state the goal of the trip and can even give the relativity of the trip to the course or class it self. Make sure to be as detailed as possible on the objective of the trip. For example, the trip could be a history lesson in itself or it could be a foundation for a lesson that is about to begin, perhaps reading a novel with a setting in that area.
Wrap It Up
Another minor detail that is also important is to wrap up the template with what materials and supplies will be needed on the trip. This can mean what you are asking the students to bring or something you plan on providing them. Materials can be a camera or a pencil and a notebook to record what they observe. Another key detail is what is expected to be learned by each student. The students could be expected to learn about the life of those that served in previous wars if you take them to a history museum.
Taking a field trip is fun and exciting in most of all cases for the students and the faculty. Though it is fun, a field trip must always have a relativity in order for school board members and pricipals approval. A field trip lesson plan template is one of the easiest ways to break down every component of and true reason for the trip. This template takes the work out of the field trip and provides the teacher or teachers a chance to enjoy watching their students learn hands on.
Download: Field Trip Template
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