The Cost Tracker Template is a great tool to have for businesses to get a visual on the costs of a product. They will be able to compare two products together to see which one is working out best. This data is put into a pie chart to make it easier to read. The Cost Tracker Template will help companies determining the prices of their products and/or services.
How to Use the Cost Tracker Template
- The top of the sheet is going to list the costs for Product A and Product B. You can list the actual product names under those sections.
- Under the Costs section on the left, you will see it broken down into Direct Costs, Indirect Costs, and General and Administrative Costs.
- There will be items listed under each of those sections to help break it down even further.
- Under Product A and Product B will be listed the amounts of the items listed on the left side. These amounts is going to help make up the pie chart that will be designed based upon the template.
- The pie chart is going to be listed under Summary. This way, you can see which product is over-weighing the other one.
Tips for Using the Cost Tracker Template
- The Cost Tracker Template is easy to use and can be edited to fit your company needs.
- You can take out items that you will not use in order to have better accuracy for your pie chart.
- The pie chart will be based upon the information that you enter the system in order to give you a better visual.
- Be sure to use color coding that is going to be easy for you to read and to remember what they are meant for. This will help reading the chart at a glance easier.
Be sure to download the Cost Tracker Template today for free. It can be downloaded right off of this page. It is easy-to-use and can be edited to fit your needs.
Download: Cost Tracker Template
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- Cost Tracking Template
- Budget Comparison Template
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