Electric Cost Calculator

The electric bill is one of the most expensive utilities on your list of bills each month. Doesn’t it make more sense to keep track of it? The free Electric Cost Calculator is the perfect new way to list all the items for your electric bill and monitor their usage from month to month. This template will help you ensure you’re saving the most money. No more leaving the TV on or blasting the air conditioning when it doesn’t need to be on, this template is short, simple, and easy to fill out. You can download the free Electric Cost Calculator by following the set of instructions below.

How to Use the Electric Cost Calculator

To download your new template file, just follow the link at the bottom of this page. Next, read the items below to learn what each column is used for.

  • Number of columns will be auto-generated.
  • You can add more rows to the table either by pressing “TAB” in the last cell of the table or simply by start typing in the row under the table.
  • Type location (optional) and Cost/kWh.
  • Select Appliance Item from dropdown list in Appliances Column.
  • Type Hourly Usage per day for selected appliance.
  • Type number of similar appliance unit (if you leave it empty, consumption per day will take 1 as default number)
  • Type day frequency usage per week (if you leave it empty, consumption per week will take 7 as default value)
  • Type day frequency usage per month (if you leave it empty, consumption per month will take 30 as default # of days)

At the top of the page, you will only enter the Cost/kWh. The other items are calculated when you fill out the table below.

Take the time to go through each section listed above to provide the template with a detailed account of your electric utilities. Save money by downloading the free Electric Cost Calculator today!

Download: Electric Cost Calculator

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