Are you going into business for yourself? Are you getting ready to expand your business to other areas in the state? Well, Microsoft has made this easy for a business owner or their accountant. This Microsoft receipt template allows any business owner to record the goods that are shipped to them by any recorded business vendors.
This Microsoft receipt template also allows you to record any damages that happened during the transportation or shipping to your place of business. This always allows for any credits and adjustments that may need to be performed and documented once the invoice arrives. This wonderful Microsoft receipt template was created to be completed by hand. The data entry regions are shaded cells that may be recorded on the Microsoft Word on your computer.
Using the Microsoft Receipt Template
This Microsoft receipt template is great for your company’s accounting department so that they can record any receipt for goods and services rendered. This Microsoft receipt template allows you to record your company’s name. This receipt template also allows your company to record where the shipment came from, their addresses, city, state and zip code. This template always your company to record who the carrier or where the deliver came from, the bill of laden number, and the billing freight number.
This wonderful Microsoft template also allows your accounting department to record the date the shipment came in, your p.o. number, what charges were prepaid, the charges that were collected, what department it was for, the job number, and the invoice and requisition numbers.
The receipt template allows you to record whether the packages were partial or complete packages that were delivered by the vendors, the weight of the packages as well as the total number of packages that were actually delivered.
With this template allowing the business owner to hand record their vendors progress on the Word worksheet, this would set any business owners mind at ease. The business owner would know where the package came from, what vendor delivered it, what condition it was in and it allows you to record what employee entered the information, what employee received the package(s), and who checked the delivery.
Download: Microsoft Receipt Template
Related Templates:
- Proforma Invoice Template
- Simple Receipt Template
- Excel Accounting Templates
- Sales Receipt Template
- Blank Bill of Lading Form Template
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