Are you every strapped for cash soon after you get your paycheck? The free Household Expense Budget is here to make sure you keep the flow of your money going so you don’t have to live paycheck-to-paycheck. This simple template has all the tools for you to organize your budget into one simple document that you can edit and change at any time.
After you’ve downloaded the free template, all you need is to follow along with the instructions provided below. So what are you waiting for? Financial freedom is just a click away; just download the document below to get started.
How to Use the Household Expense Budget
Start by scrolling down and clicking the link at the bottom of this page. This will download the free Household Expense Budget directly to your computer.
Once you have the template opened, you will scroll down to the bottom of the page until you come across the table.
The examples are provided are so you can see how the template works. You will eventually replace every item in the table with your own main expenses.
List the most important items first in the first column of the table. This will include items like mortgage, bills, insurance, etc.
After you enter the name, you will list the amount, which roommate/person will pay that bill, and any notes you want to leave about that expense.
When you finish entering all the items, you’ll see the expenses displayed for each person in the graph above. This way, you can ensure that everyone in the household is paying their fair share.
You will also see a grand total at the very bottom of this page.
The free Household Expense Budget has everything you need to keep your expenses organized when you’re living with two or more other people.
Download: Household Expense Budget
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- Monthly Household Budget Sheet
- Monthly Household Budget Sheet
- Expense Trends Budget
- Monthly Expense Checklist
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