The strategies used to teach young students how to read have changed dramatically in the past few decades. In the past, lessons were composed of teacher-led instruction where students took turns reading aloud from the same book. Very little discussion took place, and students were not offered any choice in the books they read or the instruction they received. Educators have learned that both student choice and peer discussion are vital to reading comprehension development, and that is why the Reading Workshop approach has become the standard for literacy instruction in our classrooms. However, this mode of instruction requires a great deal of coordination and planning on the part of the instructor. It can be useful to use a reading lesson plan template for this task.
Using the Reading Lesson Plan Template in a Reading Workshop
In reading workshop, students are placed into groups of similar ability. This ability measure can be general reading ability, or it can be ability related to a specific reading comprehension skill. Regardless, the first item that the teacher should place in this template is the roster for the groups. Whether a teacher uses a running record or other measure of student performance, it is important for the vigilant teacher to be able to refer back to previous groupings as they assess student growth and lesson effectiveness.
Some teachers who choose reading workshop as their primary mode for literacy instruction go so far as to differentiate the target skills for each student group. One of the benefits of a flexible group approach is that instruction can be tailored more accurately to student needs. If a teacher does this, they should also denote the skill focus for each group on the reading workshop lesson plan template. Otherwise, the data they collect will have limited meaning if the focus skills are mixed up or forgotten entirely.
Igniting Literary Genius with the Reading Lesson Plan Template
Another item that should go into the reading lesson plan template is the title of the book that each group reads. Some lessons involve student groups choosing the book that they would like to read. This works well, since most reading comprehension skills can be applied to any text. An expert teacher would want to make note if a book did a particularly fine job of illustrating a certain point, or highlighting a certain skill. Having the name of the book right next to the group roster can be beneficial to the teacher who uses the data in this way.
Using the template in this way can not only assist a teacher in keeping track of the data and workings of their reading workshop, it can also foster long term planning for individual student needs. When the logistical data of the components of the reading workshop in the template are combined with the running record and periodic assessments given to students in the classroom, the teacher has a powerful instructional combination. Since this is the overall goal of the reading workshop model, the reading lesson plan template is an extremely useful tool in the implementation of a high level, student-focused reading workshop.
Download: Reading Lesson Plan Template
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