Many companies use purchase order forms to keep track of orders and know what was purchased, and on what date. These are important documents for matching to invoices, especially from repeat orders – and can help control inventory. The Excel purchase order template available on this page for immediate download is free, and it is an easy-to-use template that can allow anyone to edit the text fields to their needs to create their own professional looking forms. Use with Microsoft Excel 2003 or later.
How to use the Excel Purchase Order Template
- Download the Excel purchase order template to your computer, and save it in a folder of your choice or to the desktop for quicker access.
- Once downloaded – open it and you can start to edit the desired text fields.
- There are several areas that can be edited. You can insert a company logo and enter the address, phone and email details.
- Other spaces in brackets you see can also be edited. You can enter the vendors’ name and address. There is also another space you can edit – the ship to details – you can enter the information required here.
- In another field you can enter the purchase order number, the date, and the customer number.
- Check the columns on the template. You can edit the name fields if needed such as quantity, item description and more.
- Towards the bottom of the form you can edit the address in the line that reads, “Send all correspondence to” and enter the information you want.
Tips for Using the Excel Purchase Order Template
- The Excel purchase order template can be stored on your computer and copies can be printed as needed. This makes it easier for keeping paperwork to a minimum.
- Since it is easy to customize – any column that is not needed can be deleted or edited to match a description used most.
Purchase orders are an excellent way to keep records of all orders and matched against invoices received. It can also help improve inventory control knowing which products are ordered most often. To present a professional image, the Excel purchase order template on this page is a convenient way to create great looking forms with the information details that fit your needs.
Download: Excel Purchase Order Template
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- Purchase Order Template
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