Debt to Income Ratio

[enlarge] Anyone who has purchased a big ticket item probably has had to converse with a representative from the bank or credit union. Big ticket items include but are not limited to residential…

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Checkbook Register

[enlarge] The need for a checkbook register Have you ever found your finances in a mess because you forgot to deduct something from your checking account? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a…

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Web Analytics Benefit Calculator

[enlarge] When you utilize internet marketing strategies such as social media, email marketing, and affiliate marketing, you are using the worldwide web to attract new customers, keep existing customers attracted to your product…

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Fuel Value Calculator

[enlarge] Microsoft Excel, and most other spreadsheet programs, have the capacity to automatically calculate facts and figures using formulas typed into the cell windows. One function of these formulas is to calculate the…

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Depreciation Calculator

[enlarge] When you operate a business you will have some assets that are of a certain value. However over time they go down in value and therefore become less valuable. Fortunately for business…

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