Project Scorecard

The Project Scorecard template

When you are managing a project, it’s imperative to organize tasks and track progress. The project scorecard template allows you to coordinate all of your information for easy access. It eliminates the burden of searching for multiple documents to assess the status of a project and how to proceed. The template is customizable to meet your needs. It is simple to use and a copy may be downloaded for free on this page.

The project scorecard template has ready made fields that can assist you in the successful completion of your project or you have the option to edit them. Use the form to estimate your time to completion, measure the effectiveness of improvements or budget costs. It is a valuable tool for the completion of any project.

How to Use the Project Scorecard Template

  • Download the template and save a blank file on your computer. Fill in customizable data and save the file. Be sure to include the project name, start date, and estimated date of completion.
  • Set up the fields to customize the form for the individual project. Include suppliers and service providers as well as contact information. Fields should also be added to evaluate such criteria as supplier performance and cost of goods and services.
  • Set up fields for specific information to measure progress in areas such as quality, costs and time expenditures. State the expected criteria and record the actual to measure performance.


Tips for Using the Project Scorecard Template

  • The scorecard template can be used to manage information about suppliers who provided services or materials for your project. Record delivery times, costs and contact information to access easily for future projects.
  • This form offers a great way to track continuous improvement projects whether they are cost savings, delivery time or quality. Documenting this information will provide metrics for evaluation at a later date.
  • Project costs may also be evaluated with metrics included on this form. When multiple projects are compared, financial data may provide areas where costs could be improved.


Tracking a project from start to finish can be complicated. Use the Project Scorecard Template to make projects flow smoothly and quickly to completion.

Download: Project Scorecard

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