Baby Shower Checklist

Baby Shower Checklist screenshot

The goal of any baby shower is to make sure the party goes smoothly for both the mother to be and the shower planner. When planning a baby shower, a check list is a great tool to keep the party festivities organized. A baby shower checklist will keep the party organized, leaving time for having fun. The baby shower checklist is easy to use, free to download and completely customizable in Microsoft Excel.

To get started, download the baby shower checklist to your computer. Then create a logo for the baby shower, this can be anything from a pair of booties to a baby, save the file. Put in some information about the shower, for example, who you are giving the shower to, the time the shower will take place, the place where the shower is to be given and the date the shower will take place. Now that you have entered the information needed to get started planning and organizing the baby shower, save all of the information entered on the file.

Tips for Using the Baby Shower Checklist

  • Create a section for guest name, address, phone number, RSVP received and RSVP accepted. Include the date the RSVP was received and when the RSVP was accepted. This will help you keep up to date on when the RSVP was received and when accepted was given.
  • Create a section for shopping, for example, food, drinks and decorations. Also included in that section can be the cost and how many of the items wer purchased. The template easily calculates the total cost of all items purchased automatically. The calculator is included with the download of the template.
  • Include a schedule section, this will keep you organized. This should include tasks that you wish to accomplish, along with a time line on when you would like to have the task completed. Also include a notes section so you can add notes as needed.


Following these baby shower checklist steps will produce a fun, organized, within budget baby shower that everyone will remember for years to come, especially the mother to be. Easy to download, free to use, with a calculator in the template, the baby shower checklist planner will make giving a baby shower more organized.

Download: Baby Shower Checklist

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