Birthday List Chart

Remembering your friends and family’s birthdays is the best way to show you care this year. It can be difficult to keep track of all these dates in your head. They can slip your mind from time-to-time, even if you have them memorized too. The Birthday List Chart is a new way to keep track of it all on one sheet. The free template file will let you sort through your friends and family in such an in a way that you will easily be able to keep track of each and every one. Remembering birthdays is a snap with this simple template.

Birthday List Chart Directions

After downloading the free template by clicking the link at the bottom of this page, you can begin customizing the template to fit your needs.

The free template file allows you to first enter the name, month, day and email for the people that are closest to you.

You may also list the phone number and a description of the celebration in the next two columns. This way, you can keep track of anniversaries and any other celebrations you want to store in your new template.

When the date is approaching on your calendar, the template will automatically give you the option to send your friend or family member a personalized email, in the last column of the template.

The message to the far right of the template is how you will make your own personalized messages to send out. To change any of the information in the template, just click on any of the cells within the message and start typing something new. What you see displayed in this section is what will send when you click the “Send Email” button.

Why You Should Use the Birthday List Chart

  • Everything you need is displayed on a single page.
  • Sends emails with the click of a button.
  • Easy to customize.

Download: Birthday List

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