Many stocks and bonds are down, and finding the right portfolio mix has never been harder. That is why many financial firms, and individual investors, rely upon some heavy equity analysis approaches when…
Cash Flow
Business Valuation Model
Buying an existing business can be a very lucrative situation for a lucky buyer. It is also true that buying an existing business can be tricky and full of risk. There are lots…
12 Month Cash Flow
Income does not always just come from a person’s day job. Often income comes from investments, jobs and side jobs. Keeping track of where all the money is going from is important. An…
Financial Modelling
Nearly every business has to borrow some money at some point just to be able to afford their basic operations. This has been true for a very long time and will likely continue…
Company Expenses Estimation
What is a Company Expenses Estimation? If you need to keep up with how much your company spends each month, this is the Excel program to use. You can divide each monthly expense…
Business Debt Tracker
One of the problems that can plague a small business is problems with some of their accounting methods. Many times a start-up company is busy trying to make money and stay afloat, and…