Many corporations pay out a dividend to their investors periodically. The frequency of dividend distribution, however, varies considerably. One of the decisions that the board of a corporation has to agree upon is…
Cash Flow
Free Cash Flow
Keeping an Eye on the Free Cash Flow The amount of free cash flow that you have is important to the functioning of your business. If you do not have tabs on how…
Merger Financial Plan
Many mergers having been taking place for the past few years because of the financial chaos going on all over the world. This is natural as many companies need to merge to survive….
Cash Flow Budget Sensitivity Analysis
When calculating the optimum incoming and outgoing cash flow, your business must consider using free excel templates. These work well for cash flow budget sensitivity analysis calculations and records. Cash Flow Budget Sensitivity…
Cash Flow ROI Valuation Model Audit
What is a Cash Flow ROI Valuation Model Audit Template? One of the most important factors when running a new business is up-to-date financial data. This is critical in the growth for a…
Cash Gap
Many businesses, especially retail, go through cash gap situations now and then. This is merely the time interval between the day when a business pays cash for their inventory, and the date it…