Beginning a new year in school is always a hectic time. Make sure you get to class on time and get to the right classroom with this weekly class planner. Teachers generally expect you to be ready for class at least five minutes prior to class time. Avoid being unprepared for class with this handy weekly planner template for Excel. This weekly planning template is intended to be used as a weekly class planner, however, you can customize it to your needs.
You can use the Lesson Schedule and Holidays worksheet to enter in a list of all of your upcoming classes for the week. Whatever you enter in this section of the weekly planner template will automatically transfer to the weekly class planner worksheet. When you’ve finished adding all your classes for the week to the weekly planner template, you can view the file in print preview before printing. If you didn’t leave anything out, simply print the weekly class planner and head to your next class!
This weekly planner template is simple and convenient. You can download this weekly planner template from the link below. For more cool and useful weekly planning templates, check out our full library of free Excel spreadsheets and free Excel templates.
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