Taking care of your home will actually save you money in the long-run. By taking the small steps to ensure that every aspect of your house is up-to-date and well-maintained, you can avoid major expense in the future. The Home Maintenance Schedule is an organized document that helps you store all the common elements of a home that often require repair. By spending a few dollars here and there to keep your home in tip-top shape, you will save money and have a home to last you a lifetime, the way it should be. Learn more about the Maintenance Schedule by reading the set of instructions below.
Home Maintenance Schedule Guide
Once you have the document downloaded by following the link below, you can start editing your template.
The template itself is divided into two separate parts, the interior, and the exterior. The interior is highlighted in blue and the exterior is highlighted in red to make things simple.
You will also notice a list of helpful examples that are common for a household in each section. To change any of these items just click the cell and add something new to replace it.
From this point, the template is pretty simple. Let’s say you just installed a new cooling system in your home. This would go under your interior because it cools the inside of your home. You would then go to the blue chart to the left and enter the year next to the item from your list. You can see that the example person replaced their cooling system in both 2015 and 2016; hopefully, you’re not that unfortunate. You would simply do the same for the exterior items as well.
Using this template, you can see how easy it is to keep your home well-maintained forever.
Download: Home Maintenance Schedule
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