The Excel Autocorrect guide will show you how to customize your Excel spreadsheets to recognize what you type and correct anything you want. This is great for people who work in Excel consistently…
Excel Guides
Excel Left Function
Learn the Excel left function formula to create a new cell with data from another cell. The left function will take a certain amount of characters from the left-most side of a cell…
Excel Dollar Function
Learn to use the Excel dollar function to convert numbers into readable currency. This formula is short and simple and can be easily applied to any numbers entered into your Excel spreadsheet. Download…
Using Exact Function
The Exact Function in Excel spreadsheets allows you to enter a formula that will ask Excel if two cells are identical, and Excel will return a true or false answer. This is a…
CTRL + Shift Selections
Learn to use CTRL + Shift selections in Excel worksheets to quickly and easily highlight sections of cells. This simple formula will make highlighting text a breeze. This formula can be used to…
Excel Right Trim
Learn to use the Excel Right Trim function with this guide. Get the last letters of a name or word with this easy formula. This function allows an Excel user to extract an…