Every year more people are getting into direct marketing. It’s a great way for a person with little money to get into business. Many people who have been in the direct marketing business…
Excel Templates
Direct Marketing Analysis
Debt Repayment Calculator
There are a number of people who are in debt. As a result, they will have financial obligations that they will need to meet. When looking to pay back debts the process can…
Dead On Last Payment
More than ever, people want to get rid of their consumer debt. The problem people have achieving this task is lack of the proper knowledge. They simply do not know what debt to…
Company Financial Projection
Most companies out there these days keep a finger on their financials. This is one of the major ways they keep track of their success. Not only is current success tracked, but looking…
Car Leased Calculation
This is a simple car leased calculation Excel template that can be used by the car buyer or the car dealer to determine how much the lease of the car will be. The…
Business Plan
The plan for your business going forward is quite clearly something that you should be concerned with. If you do not have a business plan for yourself, then you are shooting in the…