BMI or Body Mass Index is an important tool in measuring overall health and well-being, measuring the ratio of height to weight and expressing it as a number. This number can then be compared to a scale to see where your body mass lies compared to the norm. Actually calculating your BMI requires a bit of work, but fortunately this calculator is easy to use.
What is a BMI Calculator?
A BMI calculator is simply a tool that allows you to input your height, weight, age and gender into a tool or program that will then produce your BMI as an end result. This particular calculator will even show you, on a simple chart, where your BMI range is in terms of your health. Any BMI over 29.9 is considered “obese,” while any BMI under 18.5 is “underweight.” Between these two ranges fall the approximate “normal” range and this is easy to see using this calculator.
Why this BMI Calculator?
In short, this calculator is an excellent tool because it is an Excel spreadsheet, making it easy to keep track of your results over time. You can enter your numbers on a given day, save your information, and come back later to enter new data and compare results directly. By tracking your data over time, you will be able to see trends that can help you to improve your overall health.
Whether your goal is to lose weight or even gain weight, keeping track of your BMI is an important part of any health regimen. The more tools you have available to help you, the easier your task can be. Knowing your BMI can lead to a healthier, longer, more enjoyable life, and utilizing a calculator like this one is but one simple way to keep that task manageable.
Related Templates:
- Ideal Weight Calculator
- Body Mass Index Group Calculator
- Body Fat Percentage Calculator
- Weight Loss Tracker with BMI
- Weight Loss Chart Template
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