In order to determine your budget, you will have to write down all your expenses. The budget planner will determine if it will fit into your monthly income. If you are not sure how much it will
cost you to do each respective part of the budget, you should take a guess at how much it will cost you each month.
As long as the money is your budget, you can make the budget as big or as little as you want to make it. Here are some things to consider for your monthly budget, and our budget planner template makes it easy to track all these things.
— rent or mortgage costs
— If you own your home, how much do you spend on fixing things each month?
— utilities: electricity, water, heat, gas stove, etc.
— unexpected costs that you didn’t expect each month
— Internet costs and television costs
— Car costs: gasoline, car payments, fixing the car, etc.
— Entertainment costs: movies, sports games, hobbies, etc.
— Cell phone costs: buying the phone and the cost of the plan
— Taking trips into the community such as: going to the bookstore, going to an amusement park, etc.
— Medial costs such as health insurance for the budget planner
— Household products such as: cleaning products, paper towels, toilet paper, etc.
— Beauty and Health products such as: deodorant, shampoo, make up, etc.
— Buying furniture and other household products
— Monthly food costs
— Vacation costs for the family
— Toys for the kids
— Food and food utilities for the children
— Clothes for yourself and the children
These are just some of the costs to consider when you decide to come up with a monthly or weekly budget on the budget planner. You will have to determine what fits into your budget, and then you can decide how many of these items can make it into your weekly or monthly budget.
Related Templates:
- Detailed Budget Planner
- Household Expenses Template
- Holiday Budget Planner
- Home Buying Decision
- Weekly Planner
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