When managing a group of employees it becomes necessary to document when any infractions of company policy occur. This allows the infraction to be recorded permanently in the company’s files and notifies the employee on what they did wrong as well as what the consequences of their actions will be. Organized companies are more likely to be productive and it is easier to be organized when standardized forms are used. This easy to use employee warning notice can help your business stay organized and structured.
How To Use The Employee Warning Notice Template
This employee warning notice template is available for free by using the link included on this webpage. It is easy to download and because it can be customized to fit the company’s needs it won’t come off as seeming inconsistent with other forms or styles that your unique company already uses. It is very easy to use and integrate into your company’s policies.
- The first step to using this employee warning notice template is to download the file and put in company information including the company logo and name. Do not forget to save the customized form for future use.
- Second, modify the infraction options to include all options that fit your company’s needs.
- Finally, change any other parts of the template that do not apply to your company. Always save it after making any changes.
Tips for Using the Employee Warning Notice Template
- When an infraction of company policies occurs the incident needs to be reported and the template should be filled out as soon as possible to promptly reprimand the employee.
- Never forget to have the employee in question (or another witness if the employee understands the form but does not want to cooperate) sign lower portion of the form.
- Make a copy of the form after it is filled out to give to the employee in question.
This employee warning notice template is a simple way to keep your company organized when an employee does not follow company policies. It is also easy to implement into your company’s image and policies.
Download: Employee Warning Notice
Related Templates:
- Employee Warning Letter Template
- Time Off Request Form
- Vacation Request Form
- Employee Self Evaluation Form
- Employee Information Form
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