Over the past ten years, more people have been trading stocks at home. Many people got fed up with high broker fees, while other people felt they could do a better job themselves….
NPV Calculator
[enlarge] Net present value (NPV) is a common financial calculation used to determine the profitability of an investment or project. Net present value can be calculated by hand, although it may be easier…
Present Value Calculator
[enlarge] Compare Investment Options with our Free Present Value Calculator Our free present value calculator template enables you to compare two investment scenarios. You will appreciate being able to calculate the present value…
Optimal Hedging Strategy
[enlarge] Before we can discuss an optimal hedging strategy, we must discuss what is hedging in the first place. Basically, hedging is an investment action that is designed to reduce the risk of…
Bond Yield Calculator
[enlarge] It is a great feeling when you are able to accomplish something in a short period of time that usually would have taken much longer. People gain great satisfaction out of being…
MBA Investment Calculator
[enlarge] Finding out the true value of any particular type of degree can be very eye opening. Some people do not realize that they are putting in all of that time and effort…