Attempting to conceive a child can be one of the more wonderful experiences during the course of a person’s existence. Unfortunately, this process can also be extremely stressful for both parties involved. A fertility calendar can help alleviate some of the unnecessary stress while also maintaining the magic that is the special part of the process.
Reading and Using the Fertility Calendar
The ovulation calendar featured on this site is exceptionally easy to use. You will begin by clicking on the “Data” tab in the Excel workbook. Here is where you will input the “Ovulation Date” You will begin by typing in the start date of your last menstrual cycle.
Next, you will input how long your menstrual cycle lasts in days, followed by the luteal phase period in days. You will then choose the month you wish to display on the ovulation calendar and the display year. Once you have filled out the information for all five categories, it’s time to click on the “Calendar” tab at located at the bottom of the Excel workbook.
If you have properly input the information in the data tab, the calendar will now reveal an easy-to-read color-coded system. The start date of your next menstrual cycle will now be filled in on the calendar. The box will be red and noted with “Beginning” underneath the date. Later in the month, a box will also be changed to note the date you can expect to be most fertile. The box will appear pink and display “Most Fertile” underneath the date.
Beneath the calendar displaying the present month is two smaller calendars showing the previous month and the month ahead. Both months will also display the beginning of the menstruation period as well as the date you will be most fertile.
By clicking the arrow tab located in the top right hand corner of the workbook, you can cycle through the months past or the months ahead. By putting the information in the data tab at the start, you can go as far back or as far ahead as you may need to track your fertility.
Download: Fertility Calendar
Related Templates:
- Ovulation Calculator
- Using an Ovulation Calendar to Predict Pregnancy
- Ovulation Predictor
- Calendar Template Excel
- School Workbook Calendar
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