Substitute Teacher Lesson Plan Template

Substitute Teacher Lesson Plan Template from

Requiring a substitute can be stressful for teachers, students, administrators and the substitute. Teachers often find themselves scrambling at the last minute to get a plan together due to unforeseen illness, family emergencies and all manner of unexpected events. Nothing will increase the chances of a problem free class, or endear a teacher to his or her supervisor more, than a detailed lesson plan. The Substitute Teacher Lesson Plan Template gives teachers a quick, easy tool for the creation of such plans. Schools have minimal requirements for substitute teacher folders that are to be left in the classroom by all teachers. Be sure to refer to your individual school’s policy when creating your lesson plans.

How to use the Excel substitute teacher lesson plan template:

• Name the fields according to what your district requires in their specific lesson plans.
• Type in the field specific information needed for the lesson covered.
• Copy and paste information that occurs regularly in your lesson plans to save time.

Most districts’ formats will be set up along the following general lines:

o The warm up
o The classroom procedures
o The materials needed
o The method of evaluation

In the substitute teacher lesson plan template, one should minimally include the following:

• The specific objective being taught during the class period.
• How the specific objective will be introduced to the students.
• What materials are to be used and where they are located.
• Any specific worksheets, page numbers, or programs to be utilized.
• All modifications required per Individual Education Plans (IEP).
• All reward schedules for special needs students requiring them per IEP.

If not in a “sub” folder, the substitute teacher lesson plan template should also include:

• A roll sheet for each period with a seating chart.
• Emergency parent contact information for students in each class.Substitute Teacher Lesson Plan Template from• The procedure to be followed for emergencies and emergency drills.
• The name and contact information of who the substitute is to call on for assistance, if required, including administrators, the nurse and campus security.
• Any need to know emergency medical information on specific students, such as allergies and/or needed medications and times of administration.
• The reward system in place if there are students with Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP).

With a detailed plan that includes all information needed in a classroom setting, a substitute teacher will be prepared to do the best job possible for your students.

Download: Substitute Teacher Lesson Plan Template

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